A spot of history for Forfar Brownies saw the girls visiting St Margaret's Church.

The girls were shown round by Gavin Drummond, who is a long-standing elder and by presbytery elder Maureen Fenton who is the session clerk. The girls enjoyed stories about some of the activities at the church which included messy church and breakfast club.

Prior to its construction of the church in 1876, there was a gathering at the hall in New Road. A time capsule had been prepared which amongst other things contains a copy of the Forfar Dispatch and is now located in the tower. The turnout was so big that tickets had to be issued.

In 1970 the Brownie Unit was formed in the hall and the girls planted a Silver Birch in 1977 to commemorate the Queen's Silver Jubilee.

Pictured are girls and the tree; then (above) and now (below).
