Saturday 3rd to Sunday 4th March

Venue - Aberdeen

All girls to meet Leaders in Aberdeen

Cost £40

Meet in Aberdeen at 4:30pm, leave from Aberdeen at 2:30pm

Open to all girls who have completed (or will have by the weekend) a minimum of 8 parts of the BP Challenge.

Come along on your own, or with others from your unit - meet new people, have fun, celebrate what you have achieved in Guides and find out about other opportunities open to you. Maximum 3 girls per unit can attend.

To book your place, email Tracy Dryburgh - with name, unit and Leader name and send a cheque (payable to Girlguiding Angus Development Acc.) for £20 deposit to Tracy Dryburgh, Girlguiding Angus, Myre Road, Forfar, Angus by Friday 9th February. Further info and forms will be sent out after this date.