Welcome to the Girlguiding Angus website!

Wherever you are in Angus - there will be a unit not too far away that offers girls and young women the opportunity to develop their potential and make a difference in the world.

Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in Angus.  We build girls confidence and raise their aspirations.  We give them the chance to discover their full potential and encourage them to be a powerful force for good.  We give them space to have fun!  In Girlguiding Angus we have over 1100 girls and young women involved in our units every week!

Guiding isn't just about girls though.  We have over 200 adult volunteers and supporters contributing over 10,000 hours to Guiding every year.  Volunteering allows you to use your existing skills, learn new ones and make new friends.  It also gives you the opportunity to play active roles in a caring environment by helping and encouraging young people today.  Guiding involves giving some of your time and energy, but it is very rewarding and great fun for everyone!

We are for all girls

We are for all girls and young women, whatever their background and circumstances.  We offer them fun, exciting activities and the chance to make lifelong friends.  You will find us in all the towns and in or close by many villages within Angus, helping to give girls a head start in life and encouraging them to be happy, self confident and curious about the world they live in and the difference they can make.

We give girls their own space

We give girls a place that they can really be themselves with other girls and share the experience of growing up as a girl in today's world.  We provide a safe, non-judgemental environment where girls can explore the issues they care about while having lots of fun, enjoying new experiences and learning vital skills.

We give girls a voice

We give girls the confidence, skills and information to make informed decisions.  We offer a supportive, inclusive and exciting environment where they can reach their own conclusions about the world.  We show them how they can speak out and take positive action to improve their lives and the lives of others.

We change as the lives of girls change

We are relevant to today's girls because we listen to them and constantly evolve and adapt what we offer them without losing what makes us uniquely us.  We provide support, comfort and friendship in what can often seem a complex world for girls as they grow up.

Depending on age, girls are members of the following sections:

Rainbow Guides are 5 to 7 years old.
Brownie Guides are 7 to 10 years old.
Guides are 10 to 14 years old.
Rangers (Rangers or Young Leaders) are 14 to 18 years old.

We have many opportunities for adults as volunteers, either in a unit, or as part of our support teams and of course you can join the Trefoil Guild who meet on a regular basis and share fun and friendship

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